Vista 200
With a 200 mm × 200 mm sample stage Vista 200 is perfect for analyzing wafers or photo masks. Vista 200 can be configured with either a vacuum chuck with magnets or a specialized EUV mask holder. This instrument is perfect for 4-, 6-, or 8-in wafers.
Powerful yet non destructive
PiFM operates in true non-contact mode. The instrument doesn’t touch your pristine samples, so they stay clean – and so does the tip.
Streamlined processes
Our included data analysis software allows your team to go from measurements to presentation-ready results quickly. Tight integration with our data acquisition software allows you to get the answers you need in real time. Our scripting API allows custom recipes, and our files are open so integration with 3rd party software is easy.
Exceptional AFM performance
With a 120 µm xy-scanner, 12 µm sample z-scanner, and integrated vibration isolation, our AFM is top notch. The high-bandwidth dual-z feedback system allows true non-contact AFM for IR PiFM.
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Built for industry
Maximize efficiency, minimize disruption
The 300 mm wide sample access door minimizes thermal disturbances that cause drift while allowing you to maximize throughput. With our forward moving stage and user friendly head mount, both the tip and sample can be easily swapped without opening the entire enclosure.
Self-contained system
No need for a special environment. Vista 200 is complete with built in vibration isolation, a temperature controlled acoustic enclosure with 0.1 ºC precision, and a fully enclosed beam path with dry air.
Ultimate spectro-nanoscopy
Sub-5 nm IR spatial resolution
PiFM chemical mapping provides unbeatable lateral IR resolution for analyzing surface chemistry.
An elementary cellulose fibril is embedded in the lignin matrix of a cell wall from spruce wood. Scan dimensions: 150 nm × 150 nm × 10.5 nm.
Single-molecule level sensitivity
PiF-IR spectra (magenta and green) show the chemical differences on and off these peptoid nano-sheet fragments.
PiFM chemical maps are able to detect peptoid fragments that are only 0.5 nm taller than the surrounding material!
Scan dimensions: 500 nm × 500 nm × 1.7 nm.
Stage and scanner
Sample stage travel: 200 mm × 200 mm square.
Scan size: 120 µm × 120 µm.
Dual Z Feedback: 12 µm z-scanner with 600 nm fast-z scanner provides both high bandwidth and a large z-range
Imaging modes: Non-contact AFM, PiFM, KPFM, cAFM, nano DMA, FvD (force vs distance) mapping.
Spectroscopy modes: PiF-IR, FvD.
PiF Laser Options: QCL (770 – 1840, 1995 – 2395 cm−1), OPO/DFG (590 – 2050, 2250 – 4400, 5000 – 7000 cm−1).
Depth probed (IR): 20 nm in surface mode & greater than 100 nm in bulk mode.
Physical requirements
Table size: 1.2 m × 1.8 m (4 ft × 6 ft) optical breadboard recommended.
Enclosure: 300 mm × 200 mm access door minimizes thermal drift. The enclosure is removable without disconnecting cables.
Stage and scanner
Sample stage travel: 200 mm × 200 mm square.
Scan size: 120 µm × 120 µm.
Dual Z Feedback: 12 µm z-scanner with 600 nm fast-z scanner provides both high bandwidth and a large z-range
Imaging modes: Non-contact AFM, PiFM, KPFM, cAFM, nano DMA, FvD (force vs distance) mapping.
Spectroscopy modes: PiF-IR, FvD.
PiF Laser Options: QCL (770 – 1840, 1995 – 2395 cm−1), OPO/DFG (590 – 2050, 2250 – 4400, 5000 – 7000 cm−1).
Depth probed (IR): 20 nm in surface mode & greater than 100 nm in bulk mode.
Physical requirements
Table size: 1.2 m × 1.8 m (4 ft × 6 ft) optical breadboard recommended.
Enclosure: 300 mm × 200 mm access door minimizes thermal drift. The enclosure is removable without disconnecting cables.