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Our most advanced system with new automated features
Get expert nano-IR analysis services on your samples. Expedited service available upon request.
Purchase contamination-free cantilevers for PiFM and PiF-IR.
Vista series microscopes are designed to be the easiest and most robust nano‑scale IR tools available.
With a sub-5 nm spatial resolution, perform chemical analysis on smaller volumes than ever before.
Collect the most detailed nano‑scale chemical maps with fixed-wavelength PiFM images.
Get clean spectra in one pass without damaging samples by using our selective power control notches.
Create more complete data sets by using multiple scanning modes.
Solve contamination issues or study detailed surface chemistry on organics and inorganics with our excellent molecular sensitivity.
Get exhaustive data sets quickly using hyPIR™ images to record IR spectra at every pixel.
Atomic-layer-deposition (ALD) of various oxides can be utilized for diverse applications in the semiconductor industry,…
Background Modifying surfaces to influence subsequent molecular interactions is a powerful technique. By adding functional…
Background Multilayer films have been utilized in packaging food and drink for many years as…
Background Raman microscopy is becoming increasingly popular, and companies are creating new products that combine…