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Background Raman microscopy is becoming increasingly popular, and companies are creating new products that combine…
Background Trace Evidence Analysis is the discipline of forensic science that deals with the minute…
While PiFM enjoys excellent traits such as ~5 nm spatial resolution and monolayer sensitivity on…
While PiFM provides excellent nanoscale chemical mapping and spectral analysis capabilities when coupled with broadly…
Block-selective infiltration with inorganics such as metal oxides on self-assembled block copolymer patterns should provide…
Multi-layers of different materials find usage across various applications. The thicknesses of the layers range…
Advances in nanotechnology have intensified the need for analytical tools that can chemically characterize newly…
Surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) at the gold-air surface imaged via PiFM. p-polarized 809 nm laser…
As device sizes shrink, it becomes increasingly important to identify nanoscale defects as they directly…
The longitudinal focal field of a tightly focused light via high NA (1.45 NA) objective…